Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Stress Tips for Kids and Parents

Holiday Stress Tips for Kids and Parents

Signs of holidays stress in children can include...

Tears for seemingly minor reasons.

Nervous behaviors ( nail biting, hair twirling)

Complaints, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, diarrhea

Regression to younger behaviors: bed wetting, eating with hands.

Withdrawal from school friends or siblings.

Any behavior that your child doesn’t normally do could be a sign of Christmas anxiety

If your child is experiencing holiday stress symptoms there are a variety of strategies you an use to help them through it.

Know your child’s limits. Being in the spot light with friends and families only adds to the general heightened anxiety of the season. Combining groups of people decrease the travelling and number of parties too attend.

With all the holiday "junk" out there, encourage your child to make good choices when eating.

Drink lots of water and get them outside for some daily exercise.

If your staying over at a strange home, take along items that the child will derive comfort in such as a blanket or stuffed animal.

Spend good quality time with your children. Go tobogganing, snuggle up and read a book, or watch a movies with hot chocolate. Volunteer to help the less fortunate, encourage them to think of those in need of help and good will.

Practice and model positive relaxation techniques. Express your feelings openly, use self talk, and meditation.

And don't forget..have a kid right along side your chilren. you'll have a much better me.

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Go your worst or beef me up like crazy..tell me how wonderful i am..or how full of crap to...i can take it all