Friday, November 21, 2008

25 Great Things About Being ADD/ADHD

25 Great Things About Being ADD/ADHD
1) Lots of Energy
2) Willing to try New Things
3) Ready to Talk and can Talk a lot
4) Gets along with Adults
5) Smart
6) Can do several things at One time
7) Need Less sleep
8) Great sense of Humour
9) Very good at taking care of Younger kids
10) Spontaneous
11) See Details that others miss
12) Understands quite well what its like to be Teased or in Trouble, so are more Accepting of others
13) can Think of many different ways of doing things
14) Volunteers to help others
15) Happy and Enthusiastic
16) Imaginative and Creative
17) Articulate - can say things well
18) Sensitive - compassionate
19) Eager to make new Friends
20) Great Memory
21) More fun to be around than most kids
22) Courageous
23) Warm and Loving
24) Charming
25) Care a lot about Family

Compiled by Learning Summer Camp 1992

1 comment:

  1. And those are the 25 best qualities of my son that i love so much!!!!


Go your worst or beef me up like crazy..tell me how wonderful i am..or how full of crap to...i can take it all