in seventeen seventeen days the world as i know it..will change. in seventeen days i will embark in a time honoured seventeen days..two very distinct and independent personalities will merge into one very small, very cluttered apartment. in seventeen days... boyfriend is moving 200 kms with all his earthly possessions, giving up all he knows..his job, his come and be with me. "why am i not freaking out..shock maybe?"
you see boyfriend and i have been long distance dating for about 8 months now and obviously at minimum..43 days ago..we decided that long distance wasn't going to cut it anymore. so..we took the plunge. it has been a bit of a rocky process but i think we're both doing ok seventeen days from now..i will have a roomy, a live in lover, partner in crime, com padre, a common law husband "ok boyfriend..relax..its ok..breath, BREATH!"
now down to the nitty gritty. boyfriend is awesome! sweet, understanding, accepting, smart, funny, thinks only of my happiness, looks at me with those eyes...those eyes tell me everything i need to know. he's handy, a talented writer, hard worker, spontaneous, easy going, relaxed and i love him to bits. i love all of those wonderful parts of his personality and "no the nitty gritty doesn't include anything else, those are private talents and attributes ;)." so your probably thinking..ok get on with it..get to the point girl.
my point is..OMG there are some parts of our personalities that are completely different...i'm hyper organized and he is not..not even close lol. i love structure and routine and he loves to fly along quite nicely with the breeze. i love..LOVE lists and him a good list is a list of all the things were gonna do after dark ;) "that's not such a bad list" i believe that big things are made up of the little things and he does a 180. these thoughts have been roaming through my brain..worming there way deep in to my grey matter. causing both of us to be wary at times.
so now that it is only seventeen more days..i'm starting to get excited...and excited to me means...figuring out every detail, making lists, moving things around, purging my apartment, making phone calls and obsessively talking about it to him on the phone every night he calls. for me..this is fun, this is me continuing to maintain control over my world..and for those who have kept know this aspect of my personality. for him...torture. he won't admit it but i'm sure it is very uncomfortable. "sorry doll face"
so this is my official declaration that i will try..try to not be so OCD, to not drive you insane before your underwear has hit the floor, to not organize the hell outta this move..i'll try
Thursday's Photo
8 years ago