Monday, November 24, 2008

Did I mention? I love to rant.'s the rant. i have yet to rant on here so i think its high time that i did. DRIVERS..ahhhh i know that everyone complains about other peoples driving but never notices their own defects when it come to negotiating the roads. i will fully admit that there are times i'm a bad driver..i speed, i sometimes do the rolling stop thing and i'll text/talk while driving...which i know is illegal now "which i don't do anymore coz the b/f would kill me" but i have to shake my head in disbelief at some of the things that people will do when on the road.

for example..driving to work this morning..its been a full year now since i moved out of a small town to a reasonsably bigger city and "i find it hilarious that it takes me 30 minutes to drive 11 kms, when i used to drive 50 kms in 45 minutes" but that's neither here nor there..we're talking about dumb drivers right now so quit trying to change the subject lol

as i was saying..driving to work this morning was interesting to say the least. it has been 2 days since we have had any significant amount of snow and yet there was this guy...with 6 inches of icy snow on his roof and back window. needless to say he went whipping around a corner and it dislodged...slid down his windshield, impeding his vision enough that he swerved into the other lane cutting off another car. can you say DUMB and DANGEROUS! not to mention illegal!

changing lanes without looking, running stop lights, wishy washy turns and stops "i mean...make a decision man!",reading the newspaper, applying make up (OMG get a life), juggling coffee..cig and make up all at the same time. these are just a few of the things i see everyday on my morning commutte..DRIVES ME BATTY!

so how bout you tell me what makes you batty...drivers, bad servers, noisy neighbors etc. fill me in so i don't feel so alone in my insanity.

Have a great day people...the ranter has left the building


  1. OMG , i could but won't go on an on about drivers , after almost 30years of professional driving I Could go on an on and you would be bored , I totally agree and the kids will tell you "daddy gets a little agro when he drives" LOL I also rant ummmm all too often which is why I try not to on here but count poor drivers as one of my top ten personal pet peeves , don't feel alone especially here kiddo , its all good and trust me you are NOT alone in this :)


Go your worst or beef me up like crazy..tell me how wonderful i am..or how full of crap to...i can take it all